Our Focus
In 2013 we started with the introduction of new methods and techniques in the area of self-improvement, specifically in the Russian speaking market. The concept of self-improvement has been around since 1654 (as described in the Merriam-Webster dictionary), where the meaning simply refers to : “the act or process of improving oneself by one’s own actions”. But the lack of existence of some really great and helpful processes allowed us to create a surge in one or two specific techniques within Russia, and also other countries where the Russian language is spoken.
Our core focus is split into two segments :
- Online events
- Offline events
ONLINE (through the Internet)
(anything where you connect with your audience without physically being present in the same geographical location like a room or a seminar hall).

The internet offers a very good platform to reach a larger number of people across a greater distance at a lower cost. If you could imagine having to encourage 200 people to attend an event in a specific geographical location, and also take into account where they live, then this increases the cost for each person depending on their distance to travel to get to the event.
With online events, video, webinars, meetings etc. you get to be able to connect with people who could be hundreds of kilometres or even miles away, without having to change your physical location. And if you travel, you could continue to reach out even when you are not at your home or office in your normal geographical location.
OFFLINE (through person to person interaction)
(where you and anyone you engage with are in the same room or geographical location like a coffee shop, consultation room, hall etc.)

On the flip side is the offline events, seminars, workshops and offline training for example, where there is a need to be able to give a more personal touch – that of human interaction in the flesh. Of course, you have the ability to gather 2000 people into the same hall, and the atmosphere is totally different to online. And here, it is easier for the presenter to judge the engagement of the audience with the subject matter.
Of course an offline event requires far greater levels of effort and work to be put into it for it to succeed, and very often you require a team to be able to do specific tasks during the event. Without them you would need to do everything yourself, quite a difference to an online action!
Activities :
Within these 2 focus points we have introduced and created a community of followers, participants and colleagues who have taken part in a variety of activities. Each type of activity includes specific requirements which ultimately gives a desired result to the client.
Online / Offline
Seminars are a great tool to deliver knowledge and information to an interested audience within a specific niche. If you consider self-improvement, then this could range from topics such as delivering new updates for specific techniques, or even introducing new concepts of how to improve. Seminars are generally accepted as one person on the stage (or in the webinar) who delivers information, updates and new ideas or concepts to the audience. Seminars with multiple speakers would mean that one person at a time would have the attention of the audience.
Online / Offline
Training sessions are divided into two specific methods of teaching the audience. The first is where a qualification is awarded based on completing the training and then completing some form of exam or test (which could be oral, written or another form of assessment to a specific standard). The second is where the qualification is awarded based on attendance and participation in practical exercises during training.
Offline Only
Workshops are focused on intensive practical exercises which enables the attendee to learn through a process of doing something. There are no examinations or tests, and it provides a self realisation aspect to each attendee where they can use their own situation in life, to learn and understand new concepts, techniques and methods that can help them to improve in those areas that they really want to make changes to.
Online / Offline
Everyone will be aware of the need to have meetings to discuss specific objectives, queries, action plans etc. The difference is that in today’s society of the internet being used more and more as a tool, we have the ability to arrange meetings online where people in different geographical locations around the globe can take part and be part of the process. Any tools like Skype, Facebook chat and others can be applied very successfully depending on the requirements.
Online Only
As a strategic internet tool, a webinar gives the ability to run various types of actions. From marketing any product with the aim of making a sale, to providing information about a specific product, or even if to use a webinar for a seminar or training action – webinars give an incredible platform to reach more people and reduce the costs at the same time. And whats more, webinars can be made available for replay at later times, which means that those who were unable to attend at a specific point in time could view the webinar at a later date which is suited to their daily routines and availability.
Events Management
Offline Only
Managing events gives you the option of physically bringing together a speaker and the audience. There is really nothing that can come close to the possibility of meeting in person someone who you idolise or view as a guru or a mentor. The ability to get a book signed or even a photograph taken with the speaker gives a buzz to may attendees who stand in awe sometimes of the speakers achievements. But unlike the webinar, events management means a specific geographical location, at a specific time, normally with a limited amount of seating / tickets available – which makes the event more exclusive to those who can attend.
Online / Offline
Consultations are the shortest form of being able to help someone either with understanding a specific issue or changing to reach a specific outcome. For example, in a therapy consultation, a consultant would establish within the consultation (normally 1 hour or thereabouts) what the issues are for the client, and provide specific feedback or assistance to the client to either become self aware or to be able to make specific immediate changes.
Online / Offline
Coaching is the art of being able to help someone reach a specific goal, by providing them the awareness of where they are at a specific point, and then helping them to move forward to become better at something. A tennis coach would rely on being able to assess the skills of a person, and then instruct them on technique so that they could improve. A life coach would take the person, help to assess specific issues the person has at a current point in their life, and then work with the person to enable self-improvement. Coaching is seen as a short term and goal specific approach.
Online / Offline
Mentoring is a longer term focus, based on establishing a relationship between the mentor and the client, where trust is of utmost importance. In mentoring, a much more wider approach is used. over a longer period of time, which allows the mentor to shape and guide the client. The mentor in essence helps the client to become more adept at specific skills, but also includes the concepts of balance in things like work / life, or personal / professional.
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Photo 1 Help is at hand, all you need to do is ask. | Photo 2 The digital age creates opportunities to help from afar. | Photo 3 Sharing your vision with an audience is special. | Photo 4 Never forget your partners who help you reach your goals |