
What motivates you?

Why are you not communicating

A recent client came to me with issues about her relationship. Obviously we all want to have a perfect relationship, and of course it is hard work to be in a relationship. Anyone who tells you it is easy, is living in a dream. We started going through a few basic things, and towards the…
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Why are ThetaHealing classes so expensive …

Recently I read a post on a Facebook group where someone asked why the ThetaHealing classes were so expensive … Of course facebook being what it is, resulted in over 150 comments, opinions and thoughts of how people felt, what they thought was right or wrong, and how the person who created the post could…
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Will your relationship last?

Hollywood! Love it! Romance and happiness into the setting sun! But is this the reality we live in today? There are many different types of relationships that occur in today’s society, from parent to child, to romance, to pure friendship, and also that business relationship. What we often forget is the original reason the relationship…
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Setting your goals

Setting your goals is such an important activity in life. It can make huge differences in the direction you take and the things you experience. It can grow you or it can hurt you, it can build you or it can destroy you. So be wise with setting your goals! Have you noticed that when…
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Relationship Theory

Consider this – your theory about relationships might be wrong! No seriously, have you ever stopped to think logically about it. Forget about the TV and the movies where the sun sets on a romantic ever after love scene. Let’s talk honestly about relationships and what they really mean! A relationship is based on two…
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To coach or not to coach

There comes a time when you need to look outside of your circle of friends, colleagues and fellow business contacts, for help with moving your ideas, your business, your personal life or even something like your abundance forward! The question you will be faced with is – “do I hire a coach or not?” As…
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Business & Spirituality

Before you click on another page, you really need to read this! No – seriously! This is important! You need to know the dangers and the pitfalls of getting into anything spiritual, when it is not done in an ethical manner! Many years ago I was involved in organized religion. And although the concept was…
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Speaking and Events Management

Recently I attended an event which was scheduled in a country which is not normally known for hosting conferences or seminars in the market sector I work in. By trade I now work in events management, coaching and seminars – after having experienced the rat race of London. My background, is events management with a…
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The truth about “Manifesting”

Manifest your true desires or You can manifest anything you want are some of the most common phrases I see and hear when people advertise their online or offline courses, to teach others how to get what they want in life. But the question that should be asked is “Can you really manifest whatever you…
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